Here is a little hello from my yoga teacher training here in Bali. Espen is doing his training another place (Canggu) and he just finished his course and is now a yogateacher!! Yay gratulerer!! 🙏🙏🙏
First part of my training was in Sideman, a very spiritual (plenty of spirits hanging around keeping me awake in the night) and beautiful place in the mountains on Bali island. Now the second part of our training is finally by the coast and waves. I surfed one day, scary, difficult and fun as always 🤙 A beautiful break from all the yoga, even though I got really(!) tired! Here are some pictures from my training so far!

Look at the beautiful flower creations they made for us, a new one every day in our yoga – room!

My training is not only about the physical yoga poses. It’s much about Balinese culture. In our location, a Balinese priestess was the founder of a cultural school for children where they learned about their own heritage. We visited them and learned dances, handwork and played music with them. On our last dinner they had an amazing dance show for us, and wow – so talented!

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